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Do you want fries with that?

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What do you mean by true? If you are asking if Rox made an album called Do You Want Fries With That, then the answer is no! It was a joke site that came up around 1999. Still love Dimberg’s Diary lol ;p

And don’t forget the Daily Vengarox. :-D

Nah the Vengarox just stole the idea of the Fries site and changed it a little. The only funny part was Marie’s parking lot.

The rest of the Fries site is at if I remember rightly.

yes this fries was a great laugh.. might read it again and have a great laugh again *muahahahahah*

If I remember correctly there was a big controversy when the site came out because nobody knew who made it. Personally, I think it was Per....

Always a good laugh

The lyrics to the Spanish version of Beautiful Things...oh my god that must be the funniest thing I ever read!

Never seen that before, was a good laugh! :)

LOL, great to see this page again... So funny...

yeah must be one of the mysteries in the Rox world.. WHO made that site :O I remember the discussions on RML!!

Yeah, me too! Didn’t someone even start a group just to find out who’s behind this? *LOL*

i laughed so hard! great!!!! oam//

*lol* I was laugh as much as with Daily!

That was the first time I ever read that! Great!!!

1st Novgust - Last night I snuck into Marie’s bedroom and whispered “Cigarettes are good for you, you NEED a cigarette” 200 times into her ear. This morning she was all jittery and anxious - so I kindly left her pack of cigarettes beside her bed because that’s the sort of nice person that I am. I gave her extra strong ones so hopefully it’ll completely ruin her voice. We’ll just have to wait and hope...
2nd Novgust - My plan worked - Marie keeps sneaking outside and returns smelling of smoke. Her voice is sounding a little husky. Hehehehe...
3rd Novgust - Today we were talking about Savage Garden and Per said they sucked and that “The Moon and Back” was the worst song he’d ever heard and that Darren was gay.
4th Novgust - Per woke up this morning with severe stomach pains. He was rushed to the hospital, and they said he had been poisoned. Mysterious.
5th Novgust - Clarence almost found the cyanide in my purse. I told him it was skin toner. I think he believed me.
1st Octember - Did the photo shoot today. I slipped a hallucinogen into Marie’s coffee so that she would be completely out of it. Seemed to work, she just staggered around screaming. And the makeup - she’ll need paint stripper to get that stuff off her face! She looks like a drag queen!

Starrox: you are right, someone started a whole website to investigate who made the Fries site.

Have you read the guestbook? It’s funnier than the site itself. So many angry fans wrote threats...!!

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*goes to read the guestbook*

10th Suptober - Today I’m going to give Marie driving lessons.
12th Suptober - Today I was discharged from the hospital with only a minor concussion.


LOL someone was on a roll when they wrote that....

*muahahahah* great laugh (again). I love the diary :D

That’s amazing! Simply amazing.

it was very funny to read.

Fantastic!! I love the last entry... Rich

maybe it‘s Marie Dimberg who made that whole thing

Yeah it was Dimberg!!! She thought if she used her own diary, nobody would ever know it was her!!!

...this is sooo damn funny, laughed my ass off!!!

Great work! Would love to read something like that about RS und the B & P Hits!

Applause to Dimman’s diary!!!

Today I got out of bed on the wrong side:
Harleys & Davidsons
Crash! Boom! Bun!
Run From You
Sleeping In My Cart
The Last Girl On The Moon
Plaice- Your Love
I Love The Bounce Of Falling Guitars
Does She Like?
Do You Wanna Fries By Wholesale?
I‘m Sorry! Don‘t kill me!

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ah, I shouldn‘t visit “Do you want fries with that?”website anymore;
a bad example is infectious..

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funnier than mine!
but, hey lawyer, vi borde sakta ner, until they all flame us here..

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*thinking: why doesn‘t it take me no time to get here?*
“we should slow down” - from Spegelboll (Mazarin)
I mean, having a little fun is good of course, but still, distorting the names of the songs, i think, is not the proper way to be a fan

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