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Herren ber för dig - Translation

11 replies

Where can I find the English translation of this song??? Maybe some Swedish fan can do it. I love this song, specially the weird children’s chorus at the end...

But I would like to know the meaning of the lyrics. I have the song as a bonus on “I en tid som vår” cd. Where was originally this song originally released???


post the swedish lyrics here then!


I would, but the bonus tracks’ lyrics were not included in the booklet... I have the “Kärlekens guld” set.

ah right, can;t really help you then -> Liedtexte -> Marie Fredriksson

Herren ber för dig

Words by , Music by Mikael Bolyos
Published by Shock the music

Hur ska vi kunna bära
all den smärta du fått?
Hur ska vi någonsin kunna lära
att ta hand om det vi fått?
Hur ska du kunna värma dig
när solens strålar har gått ner?
Vem ska hjälpa dig?
Jag hoppas Herren ber för dig
Jag hoppas Herren ber för dig

Tiden går
ska jag kunna förklara?
Hur kan känslan vara så ensam
när hela världen ser på?

Jag hoppas...

Jag hoppas Herren ber

Thanks Kiwein1!!!

Thanks Kiwein1!!! Do you like that song?

Oh yes, one of my favourites. Mystic and deep! Marie’s vocals are amazing..

How can we carry
all the pain you have received?
How can we ever learn
to take care of what we have received?
How can you get warm
when the rays of the sun are gone?
Who’s going to help you?

I hope the Lord prays for you
I hope the Lord prays for you

Time passes
can I be able to explain?
How can the feeling be so lonely
when the whole world watches?

I hope the Lord prays for you
I hope the Lord prays for you

Thank you very much Tev!!!

I thought the song was about children, or something like that. But now it’s more clear to me.

Tack så mycket för alltid!!!

Where was this song originally released??? It’s just a bonus on “I en tid som vår”.

I think it was on a compilation CD called “Vilda Faglar” (with a little “o” on top of the first “a” in “Faglar” to make it say “Birds”), subtitled “Sangs Om Barn” or something like that. Whatever it was called, it came out in 1995 and also had GTs “Solens Van” on it.

Yes, roxtexanet is very much correct, “Herren Ber För Dig” was originally released on the compilation double CD by various artists “Vilda Fåglar - Sånger Om Barn”, only just missed the year, as this album is actually from 1994. :) And yes, whilst “Solens Vän”, which was also originally released on this album, was too made available the following year as B-side to the single “Det Är Över Nu”, “Herren Ber För Dig” on its turn was, untill being now included as a bonus track on the re-release of “I En Tid Som Vår”, only to be found on “Vilda Fåglar”.

@ roxtexanet: press ALT plus 134 (or plus 0229) in your numpad for the “å”... :)


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