marie's doc on dutch radio
RoXoR said on October 31, 2004 12:02:
26 oktober 2004 13:36u
Documentaire Roxette-zangeres
Bij Marie Frederiksson werd twee jaar geleden een hersentumor geconstateerd.
Ze werd succesvol geopereerd en herstelde in het ziekenhuis. Haar man legde alles vast op video. En daar is een documentaire van gemaakt. Die wordt volgende maand op de Zweedse tv uitgezonden.
Documentation about Roxette singer
Marie Fredriksson was two years ago in an hospital because of a braintumor.
She was succesfully operated and recoverd in a hospital.Her husband kept this on tape. So they maked a documentation about it. This will be shown on tv next moth in sweden
So nothing about a dutch tv date
frisso said on October 31, 2004 17:13:
what i mean is. roxette is not that populair in holland anymore so when they talk about the docu could mean that they are interested. i’m not saying that it’s gonna be aired but it’s something.
they send the rox roomservice tour on yorin once so this maybe too. at least i hope so.
frisso said on October 31, 2004 11:46:
a few days ago they said on the radio that there’s gonna be a docu about marie.
so maybe it will be on dutch television too one day.
it was on noordzee fm.