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Fading like a flower (2004 radio Edit)

41 replies

I heard it. It can be described in only one word: BORING...

It’s HORRIBLE!!! What a sacrilege!

Very amusing, in that more than a little bit disturbing way...

Is it free downloading???

Does anyone have this version anymore? I actually liked it but lost it when I reformatted my computer.

best it stays reformatted :)

this was actually played in a club i went to!

i have it in 192 quality if u want it

Yes I still want it. You can send it to [email protected] or post it somewhere to download. I’ve got a bunch of stuff to trade if you want something, just let me know.

Is that the same one as the white label mix, goes for 6:50. It repeats all the time with “Tell Me Why” ?

the version i have is 3:59 seconds :)

it was included on a remix land volume 12 album

they sing the chorus alot in the song ;)

hey tj1 , please send me the song

[email protected]


Please send me too... thanks...
[email protected]

This wasn’t an official one, was it?

Does anyone have this yet? Can someone send it?

Can I have it too? Thanx [email protected]

Would it not just be better to YouSendIt the song again? The file has expired...

Oh, and [email protected] for anyone who wants to ;-)

can I have it too please?



Could anyone tell me where I can donwload this remix? Thank you.

tq1_, can you please upload the song again to yousendit?
i missed it the first time around.


Hold a minute... tis Mysterio’s cover of FLAF?

I have the song (128 kbps - mp3).
I’ll send it by e-mail tonight :)

im a little bit this remix that is gonna be released soon the same remix that someone uploaded in this site some while ago?? Or are there 2 FLAF remixes??
@Seba: could you please email the song to me 2:)


Atic... i suspect it’s the Mysterio cover version that was released last year... the new one is currently only available on a UK compilation CD and features Marie’s vocals!!

Did the mysterio version also had maries original vocals? Coz the one I have on my computed does..

Mysterio was a cover version... so i guess you have the new version then!!!

GREAT! Coz this song is great! I could email it to you when I get home in a couple of hours if u want :)!

That’d b supa f***ing gr8!!

ok. ill be home within 2 hours. ill mail you.

could you mail it to me too, pretty pls?

[email protected]

And here we go again.... ;-) Could you please send it to me too? > [email protected]

Thanx a lot!

and me... [email protected]

As far as I know the “2004 radio edit” is the same than the “Dancing DJs v Roxette”.

Here’s the snippet of “Dancing DJs v Roxette”:

PS: There’s also a “White Label Mix” (lenght 6:50) that sounds like the extended version of the “2004 radio edit”.

I already sent the song to Bunio, m-cvk, ncurran, Purplemedusa.
@Roxette-atic, Do you still want the song?

Could anyone upload it somewhere?

Thanks a lot seba.
Ive uploaded it for anyone else who wants it

Thank you very much!

Thank you. I actually already had this a while back.. and somehow i lost/deleted it!

THX!! :D



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