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MF Worship Page back online

15 replies

Just to let Marie fans know, the Marie Fredriksson Worship Page is back and the new address is

The photos and articles are not working yet and won’t be for a few weeks at least. There’s probably gonna be a lot of bugs and broken links for a while but most of the site is working.

Thanks to all the nice people who have been asking for the site to come back!

Good Timing :)

Hehe yeah well when I got the album yesterday I thought it might be nice to finally get the site back!! Expressen mentioned the worship page in an article a few weeks ago, but the site wasn’t actually working at the time! I’ll do my best to get the pix & articles back up and obviously I have to update the bio and discography to include The Change! I’m workin on it, I promise!

@sparvoga: does ure email on here work? if so u have mail ;)

how cool that we have so many sites about Marie :D

good work!

so nice to see your site again ! slowly i am refilling my list of marie/rox links after my old pc died and your site is a definite must to my list !

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Great! Really good site! But why the photos in biography aren’t working? :( Please do something with it :)

”.. I’ll do my best to get the pix & articles back up..”

just be patient ;)

Like I said, lots of things are not working and it’s been TONS of work trying to move everything from the server to the new one and then I have to change all the links, upload updates bla bla bla.

So I repeat: Pictures and articles are currently NOT WORKING. I know it’s annoying to look at a half finished site but it would be weeks to see the worship page again if I waited until everything was 100% fixed and I wanted it back online to celebrate Marie’s return.

If you don’t like it, find out who caused to close and send them hate mail!! I wish I knew grrrrr....!

Great to see this site back!! It´s one of the best Marie sites! Good work! ;)

Somehow I can’t open this page:(

Auryte: that’s strange, what happens when you try to see it?

Sorry guys I couldn’t work on the site today, I was at the tennis watching Agassi lose :(

Great to see you again(-; I love your page...

Great to have this site back!! :D


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