Positive review in Aftonbladet
m-cvk said on October 27, 2004 07:32:
I just read a positive review in Aftonbladet. It’s unbelievable, but it’s written by Per Bjurman....yes, for once he can be positive!
He gave 4 ’+’ (out of 5, I believe). Here’s the link:
I don’t have time to translate it now, but maybe later today (if no one else will have done it by then).
animalkingdom said on October 27, 2004 08:51:
Hello! For a Swede it should be rather obvious that this guy likes anything but anything Roxette-related!
per_mson said on October 27, 2004 09:01:
@animal: As far as I know Marie has always been popular in the Swedish media. Maybe something you as a non-swede don’t know about?!
tevensso (moderator) said on October 27, 2004 09:52:
So if Aftonbladet had not liked it, he wouldn’t have been professional? Weird attitude...
ljus said on October 27, 2004 10:47:
what do you expect after your ’review’?
maybe it’s a language thing and you are not aware of how strong it sounds when you spit out stuff like ’IS her WORST album EVER’... if you had written: ’which is my least favourite album’, people could clearly take it as your personal opinion... the way you wrote it, it simply sounds arrogant and insensitive (not to Marie Fredriksson, but to all the people in here, for whom the album means a lot.)
>sounds like it’s lifted off “Den ständiga resan”, which >is her worst album ever
this really sounds silly:
>However, the song itself is boring since I don’t like >jazz
the song may be boring to you but you can’t say it simply IS boring as a matter of fact, especially when you argue, you don’t like jazz!!!
of course you can write something like that, but that makes you look and sound very unprofessional... it would be the same if sameone states in a review: the song rocks, cause I love jazz...
>must be one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard by >Marie
again why this aggressive negativity? MUST be one of the WORST songs EVER
why not write: personally, I really don’t like this song at all
just trying to explain the harsh reactions on your review...
animalkingdom said on October 27, 2004 10:51:
@ tevensso
Did I say that???? No!
To me it seemed weird to see Bjurman liking the album that much - - BUT I had prepared to see him giving it some 2 stars or so... Still, it would’ve been a review really worth reading - he is a professional after all. Now, that’s what I meant!
animalkingdom said on October 27, 2004 10:55:
...and if you still have difficulty understanding some sarcasm - the word “professionality” was aimed at the TDR sort of “review” from yesterday.
tevensso (moderator) said on October 27, 2004 12:41:
I certainly realize that. I don’t give a rats ass what you think about the review or not. It’s MY opinion, and then if someone else thinks differently, I’m all fine with that. Which you seem not to be.
colinvdbel (moderator) said on October 27, 2004 12:52:
Since when can’t someone have his own opinion?
I bet there are loads of people in the world who will think this album contains trrible music - while some will say it’s fantastic. And if someone reviews ti and gives his own opninion it’s a good thing...it’s not like we’re living under communism or something...(at least I’m not)
ljus said on October 27, 2004 13:08:
language is a very powerful and therefore dangerous tool. people should watch their language... to have an opinion is one thing. to be insensitive and offensive or rude is another...
ally77 said on October 27, 2004 14:01:
I tihnk it is great to read other people’s opinions... whether it be on TDR, the paper, the news.. it’s nice to see we still have that thing called FREE SPEECH!
@ Thomas, I love the review, in fact I love the reviews from all three of you... :)
Markuz said on October 27, 2004 19:13:
“I don’t give a rats ass what you think about the review or not. It’s MY opinion...”
*passes the Rivotril® to tevensso and schedules an anger management therapy session for him*
Ferdan said on October 27, 2004 20:52:
I am all powerfull muahahahaha. Beware of my wraths lesser beings!
The words, the words have a power on their own. The words are to be handled with care.
on_a_mission said on October 27, 2004 23:03:
hmmm, that doesn’t really surprise me about Expressen....hehe. They will lose in court, and it looks like they know it!
And seriously, fight day ended one hour ago, so it would be nice if everyone could lay off dissing each other about opinions, album reviews, use of english as a second language, the price of cheese....
If you like the album - rejoice.
If you don’t - don’t worry about it.
Take it easy, oam .
animalkingdom said on October 27, 2004 08:46:
Oh that’s weird! And nice...Looks like someone really took his time with the album and included more of the professionality into reviewing! ;)