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The Daily Roxette discussions forum has been closed. The forum is only available as a read-only archive.

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12 replies

I think this world is free, and we can say whatever we want. Why then do we see so many threads closed? Don’t they have their rights to write whatever they want if they don’t harm anybody?
That´s not what I call democracy, and I have seen it several times in this site. If the moderators don’t like your thread, they close it without any explanation. That’s not fair, and if you are going to close this one (as I think you are going to do), at least, write to me telling me why, because you are breaking my rights.

PS. Judith, if I write to you asking something, I think you should answer, because at least Tevensso does it.

rox4ever: democracy the way we knew it doesn’t exist anymore. But you still have the right to express yourself freely (as long as you agree with whoever is above you). ;)

Could the moderators move this thread to the TDR Discussions. I think it should be there. Thanks

Surely if someone pays for webspace to host a forum then (s)he is entitled to draw up house rules?
Some unmoderated forums can get messy or hard to use, and in my opinion the moderators here do very good work.
Democracy doesn’t mean I can use space on your computer, so people shouldn’t have the right to fill TDR webspace with undesirable material.
I think TDR provides a great service for us all, and the house rules help to maintain credibility and a degree of order.
I’m sure you can write whatever you want in the forum you construct and finance.
All the best, Rich

threads with repeated topics/subjects are closed.. in order to NOT have the same double or triple. Threads that can end up or have already ended up in a flame are also closed. If i think of more reasons I will post them :) Or subjects that aren’t totally fitting in TDR.

I don’t know what you are refering to exactly? what question do you refer to?

Regarding your rights here, I don’t own this site but I understand that the owner of a forum is the one who pays the bills ;)

Why then did you close this topic?

I think I can write whatever I want.

i don’t even know if i closed it myself :S anyway, I guess it was archived because there was a discussion on the front page about the pictures going on, so I guess the “subject discussed double” applied in that case.

And yes, you can write what you want, we also can delete/edit what we want ;)

rox4ever, this is Daily Roxette, so here is Daily Roxette’s rules. Why don’t you open own web site with discussions? There’ll be your rules, so you can write what ever you want to.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Let me see if I can explain this a bit... as it’s clear that there were some false assumptions when this topic started.

We run The Daily Roxette as an online newspaper. Just as you could not reasonably expect that you could write whatever you want, and see it published on the New York Times site or the Aftonbladet site... you can not expect that here either. We do allow our readers to self-publish comments, but we ask that certain guidelines be followed, and when they are not... we reserve the right to edit, or to not even publish (i.e., delete) a particular comment. Likewise, at our discretion, we can archive (still visible) or hide/delete an entire thread.

We are a newspaper, not a government... thus the word “democracy” doesn’t apply AT ALL.

Another misuse of terminology (not in this thread.. but in other places) is when people say something about TDR engaging in “censorship.” There is NO censorship of TDR. If the government of Finland (where our site resides) where to tell us what we could or could not print.... THAT would be censorship. But since we make these decisions ourselves... as journalists and editors... then what you sometimes see here is a newspaper exercising its privilege to publish – or not publish – what it chooses to. This is called “editing,” and it’s a totally legitimate function of the free press (here, free means free of censorship by governmental or other authority).

Because we do include a self-publish function on this site, people do tend to believe they have the “right” to say whatever they want. This is, however, not the case.

Having said that... if you (you here means anyone)
a) are respectful of others [i.e., “no flaming allowed”],
b) keep your language relatively clean [damn and other “mild” swear words are ok... stronger curse/swear words are not – even if spelled with **. They are not necessary (the milder words serve just as well) and they are still considered vulgar in many cultures.
c) avoid starting topics on subjects that already exist within other threads

... then you’ll find plenty of room to express yourself.

– LEO / TDR Managing Editor

I think it was also closed because it was a rude topic... and rather an ignorant one to be started under the circumstances...

All the people at TDR do a fantasitc job of keeping this forum running as smooth as it does.... baring it mind we use it for free, they could well charge us or ask for a donation to keep it going, perhaps you should bare that in mind!


You couldn’t have explained it better ;)

Some topics appear to be archived on the basis that you have previously offended the moderators - and they keep archiving your topics. That’s the only reason I can think of some of Lawyer’s topics being archived...

I can’t think of a single topic that Lawyer has started that I’ve personally archived. What I do know is that stated user very often starts flammable threads about politics and other things. It’s probably not the right fourm to discuss how bad Americans are vs. muslims at The Daily Roxette.


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