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So what does Small Talk exactly mean?

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No, for sure not. But certainly it depends on what you mean “unimportant”.

I think they used the name “Small Talk” after the song on the Joyride album, more because it sounded good rather than for its exact meaning. It’s the same as using “Talk about your world, your love, your life, anything” for the Off-Topic section. All it is, is a play on the song titles.

Yes, “small talk” is about the same as “chit chat”. Nothing big.

small talk is basically how you talk to people you dont know very well....being polite without being to personal....
“How have you been?”
“Nice weather today isnt it?”
Though as someone said, this is the name of a roxette song, so it makes sense that the discussion board is called this.

@Roxer93: I think you say it perfectly.
Agree with your version 100%

And it’s the small talk that makes it all happen :-)

I’m guessing it was picked for the connection with the song. A sort of pun, but lets not dwell on the littlw idiosyncracies of english. take it easy, oam


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