What foreign languages can Marie and Per speak?
girl7twenty7 said on September 3, 2004 13:49:
Well, they DO speak English ;)
They don’t speak Spanish.
What about other languages? Did P&M say anything about?
Probably Per once had been learning French? He used this language few times in the lyrics: ’toujours l’amour’-words in Sleeping Single and ’deja vu’ in June afternoon. Or it were only well-known idioms without any connection to learning French?
BTW I can’t find any other foreign for Per language (not English or French) being used by him.
roxeteer (moderator) said on September 5, 2004 07:57:
Duplicate thread. Discussion continues at http://www2.dailyroxette.com/smalltalk/thread.php/11363
misteryman00 said on September 3, 2004 18:26:
they can barf!!!