setmefree4ever said on September 2, 2004 17:40:
Hello I am in USA, therefore i have to suffer not having the accessability a lot of you have to the world of Roxette. I just read in the News section that Marie is sick and that Roxette will be no more!!! Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with her?
I have dreamed of attending a concert since i was 15, and now I am 27. I guess it will never happen. Could anyone tell me what happen to Pietro’s page? That was the only access I had to some of the music not released in USA. This has been devastating to me. Thanks
harriej said on September 2, 2004 21:03:
If you have the time:
Read the archives of the last months on this page and you know all about roxette again!
(Although the majority of the news was lately of course Gyllene Tider)
n-Somnia said on September 2, 2004 22:24:
I’m guessing you missed this news story then.
katroxx said on September 3, 2004 12:10:
Roxer93 i highly doubt it’s a joke. In case some people may not have noticed, people overseas do not get any information regarding Roxette at all. None. We have to rely on the internet as the only source of information. When we do recieve information, it’s way too late or an extremely bad rumour (such as the worse kind). In Australia we got the news 2 weeks after it had happened. I’m not sure about America, or when they get their news but please don’t be rude to people who haven’t heard yet. It’s only normal that people will find out about this type of thing later than usual. And in any case, if it were me, i’d like a straight and honest answer.
Roxer93 said on September 4, 2004 03:43:
I didn’t mean to be rude. I was just surprised it took someone sooooo long to find out about that stuff! Especially in America, where everyone else seems to be up to speed.
Sorry again! My only excuse is that I was tired when I wrote that. When I’m tired, I become somewhat of a smartarse!
I’m also very good at making myself sound like an idiot!!!!
AURYTE said on September 4, 2004 08:14:
Now that you, setmefree4ever, have logged in The Daily ROXETTE, you will now all the news:)
Best wishes :)
Mylene_mbo said on September 5, 2004 15:15:
Eey, check this one If you wanna know what per think’s.. http://www2.dailyroxette.com/features/
setmefree4ever said on September 5, 2004 15:50:
WOW!! Thanks for all your replies!! I am in Missouri, at the heart of USA...and it should not matter as far as Roxette news is concerned. I just do not have time to be online. I work at nite and take care of my son during the day so I am lucky if I get 2 hours of sleep. Yes, this is my only life how pathetic.. bla, bla, bla. However, I tried through the years to surf the net just for fun instead of need and I tried to pick up bits and pieces of Roxette.
No, I am not dumb or cut off completely off the world, just a really busy person. I will try from now to log on often and not once every year. I promise... from one heart to another. ;)
katroxx said on September 6, 2004 07:14:
Oops my bad, sorry to Roxer93, i didn’t mean to come across so blunt there, i was talking in general :)
Oh well no worries..
LittleSpooky said on September 7, 2004 06:01:
Auryte: Aboard. Although for some, abroad might work too.
Setmefree: Hey from SLC. Welcome to TDR. Information about the duo is current, fairly fresh (posted within about 24 hours of it happening), and if I were you, I’d wear flame-retardant undies. We have fun, we’re rather zany, and we abuse one another muchly.
You’ve been warned ;o)
dbarwi1 said on September 7, 2004 19:33:
Hey there setmefree4ever -
I am in Missouri also! Wow! A Roxette fan so close. I am located in St. Louis. Where are you?
setmefree4ever said on September 16, 2004 19:22:
Thank you for all your welcomes!!
Daniel in St. Louis, I am in KC!!!
Anyone esle in USA?
Denstandigaresan said on September 2, 2004 19:15:
Marie is recovering from a brain tumour... if you search the news page for Marie stories, you can read about it there.
As for Roxette being no longer, it’s not official... it’s just rumours. Marie is working on her solo stuff right now, then after that, who knows. Roxette MAY or may not return.